Every individual has unique needs which if provided people can make a smooth transition in life. When these needs are not adequately provided for, the problem of indecision, uncertainty, ambiguity, conflicts, instability and unpredictability leading to delinquency, alcoholism, career muddle, and self-denial.
Therefore Ol’lessos Technical Training Institute guidance and counselling unit will help give direction to the achievement of developmental tasks of an individual. Also counselling will prevent frustration, restore self-understanding and educate on tasks necessary for growth. It helps individual clarify their goals and values, strengthen their interest and aspirations, appreciate their philosophies and cognition and adjustment to the norms of the society, improve relationships, and promote self-esteem and resilience.
To provide opportunities for intellectual, psychological and spiritual needs of staff and trainees.
To be effective and efficient in providing guidance and counselling services to all members of OTTI community.
We care to listen
Mandate of the unit
The department offers the following services to the OTTI community:
- HIV/AIDS attitude change training to trainees and staff members
- Achieve new and more relationships with peers
- Achieve masculine or feminine social role
- Accept one’s physique and use the body effectively
- Accept emotional independence from others
- Group and individual counseling sessions held to address alcohol and drug-related issues
- Develop intellectual skills and concepts necessary for civil competence
- Desire and achieve socially responsible behavior.
- Counselling services to individual trainees and staff
- Organize and carry out training on counseling skills for both staff and trainees
- Guidance and counseling services in addressing the management of stress and burn-out.
- The guidance and counseling office observes the guiding principles in counseling at all times.
What is guidance to you?
It is a process of helping an individual to understand himself/herself and his/her world. It enhances personal development and psychological growth toward specialized maturity.
Shat is counselling to you?
Counselling is an interactive process conjoining the counselee, who is vulnerable and who needs assistance, and the counsellor who is trained and educated to give this assistance. The goal is to help the counselee to deal more effectively with himself/herself and the reality of his/her own environment.
Need for counselling
- Counselling stimulate your personality growth and development and help you more effectively with problems of living with inner conflict and crippling emotions.
- Counselling helps in resolving interpersonal tensions or relating to one another and assists persons whose life pattern are self-defeating and causing unhappiness.
- Counselling provides one with an interactive relationship where one is helped to understand oneself in relation to present and future decisions.
- Counselling consist of a definitely structured permissive relationship whip allows one gain an understanding of oneself to a degree of taking a positive steps in the light of new orientation.
- It also helps in clearing away the entangling and hampering tentacles for one to be what he/she really is and contribute more both to self and others
Challenges dealt with by OTTI G&C unit
- Poor decision making
- Poor time management low self esteem
- Depressed
- Bitterness
- Anger
- Discouragement
- Parent-child conflict
- Relationship
- Grief
- Suicidal tendencies
- Fear
- Guilt
- Sexuality
- Drug abuse
- Exam phobia
- Etc
Members of OTTI G&C Unit
- Chaplain
- Departmental/Sectional Counsellors
- Peer Counsellors